Recently I have been extremely busy, as you lovelies may well know
I have been studying for and taking my AS- level exams.
There has also been a lot going on outside of these exams, even
though I have been at college a whole year now
I am still meeting new people and making new friends!
I have been spending a lot of time with these new people and been
going out a lot, from now on every adventure I go on I will be taking all of you guys with me!
As well as meeting new people and making new friends I have
also been hanging around with my friends that I
met at the start of college. We have been going out on day trips to
the beach and walks through country parks!
If you want to keep up to date with all of these adventures I
have been posting on Instagram showing what I have been doing and how much
I have been loving it!
But other than adventures and exams, I have had a break because I'm organizing exciting new things and posts for my blog!
Things like collaborations and blog posts including brands and
small jewellery business' !
I shall be posting again in a few days!
More blog posts soon!
Thanks for reading
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